Globalization - Tying it all Together



Over the course of the semester, we have discussed the relationship of economics, politics, sociocultural dynamics, and the environment to globalization. For this assignment, discuss a key issue for each of these four aspects of globalization, develop the concepts you choose by offering examples from the readings/media we discussed for each section, and offer specific examples from Salmon Fishing in the Yemen to support your points.


To give you an idea of issues we've discussed, you might consider state sovereignty, cooperation, global north/global south divide, market globalism (the neoliberal economic model-NEM), global civil society, corruption, glocalization, sustainability, or the relationship between conservation and development. You are not limited to these issues.


You should set up your paper as such:


Intro: Introduce globalization, mention what concepts you intend to discuss and how you plan to discuss them (i.e., by mentioning the film, which goes in italics)


Body: Explain one concept from each main area (economic, political, sociocultural, environment), substantiate what it is about with examples from the readings/ media, then relate the film to the concept, with specific film examples (very specific, including characters' names and relevant plot points)

State sovereignty is....evidenced by X reading/media...It is apparent in the film by.......because...

Conclusion: Recap the significance of the concepts to globalization and their prevalence in the film


You have a 1250 word maximum (about 4 1/2 pages). If you exceed this limit, you will lose 10% from your grade for each block of up to 50 words, so grading would begin at 90%.


Remember to follow the Standard Format for Written Work laid out in your course syllabus. When discussing the film, be certain to use the characters' names and not the names of the actors. Film titles should always be italicized. You might want to refer to IMDB for characters' names and correct spelling.


No need for references as everything should be in your own words.


Avoid writing out article/media titles and instead just focus on the examples, as the source should be apparent from your description.


This assignment is due to Canvas no later than the end of final exam time. See course schedule for due date and time along with late terms of late submission.


REMEMBER to save the file as your last name, paper 3, like this: Weir, Paper 3, or you will lose 2 points.